


Urban Nerves has a pool of highly trained surveyors and data collectors. The team of surveyors are well trained to perform a range of cross disciplinary surveys such as those related to socio-economic profiling, marketing & consumer behavior analysis and development studies.

Traffic and Transportation Impact Assessment

Transportation is considered as the back bone of an urban economy. Every structural land use development creates an impact on the movement of public and private transport and traffic flows of the city. The team of transportation planning experts at Urban Nerves specializes in performing Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) studies using field survey data and simulation softwares.

Marketing Research

Globalization and rapid technological advancements are constantly changing the business and commerce landscape across the world. Those businesses which fail to adopt to this rapidly changing environment are pushed out by those businesses which do the better at market & competitor intelligence and analysis. Hence marketing research has become an integral component of every business which looks for sustainability and expansion. The team of experts associated with Urban Nerves specializes in training surveyors, developing survey forms, processing data, and developing tools for data analysis.

Spatial & Environmental Impact Assessment

A team of independent environmental sciences experts is associated with Urban Nerves. This team works closely with the core team to conduct environmental impact assessment (EIA) for development projects.

Socio Economic and Household Surveys

The social impact of structural developmental projects are largely ignored in our planning processes that results in failure of numerous projects in longer periods. Urban Nerves works closely with students and faculty members of universities which value holistic approach to development planning. A number of highly skilled social scientists who are capable of communicating and negotiating with the entire cross section of the society are associated with this forum.

Let´s talk

We are always looking for new challenges and interesting projects. Also, we love to say hello.


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