
Spatial Research Studies

Spatial Research Studies

The forum aims to do thorough researches on the issues related to urban planning and development. The areas of study include local politics, waste management, transportation planning, sanitation, local governance, water, environment, and energy management. Other than the voluntary research work, Urban Nerves also offers consultancy services in the above-mentioned areas of urban studies.

Consultancy Services

The Urban Nerves has a portfolio of a very qualified, skilled and diverse human resource. Such a diverse skill set is capable of providing quality consultancy services in areas related to urban infrastructure planning & development, town & city master planning, landscaping & urban design and research surveying.
In addition to the planning urban development projects, the forum has a team of experts which is capable of developing market assessment and penetration strategies for all categories of commercial entities. The team is also capable of developing web and GIS-based solutions for business analytics. Details about the tools for business analytics are available in the GIS section of the website.

Research Studies

The research team at Urban Nerves reaches out to the core of the urban fabric to provide an insight into the socio-political-economic structures of our cities. Currently, the research team is involved in performing research on topics such as municipal solid waste management, water crisis, and urban transportation in Karachi.

Let´s talk

We are always looking for new challenges and interesting projects. Also, we love to say hello.


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