
Geographic Information System

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Our team specializes in field of GIS mapping. This team of experts constantly works on developing e-base innovative solutions for all the sectors of the economy.

GIS Based Business Analytics

One sector that has really evolved with the revolution in the technology sector is the field of Business intelligence. From pinning large papers on clipboards to performing complex analysis on spreadsheets, this field has only gained importance in the field of business management over time.
However, it’s time to move ahead from the boring spreadsheets to interactive maps. The integration of the Geographic Information System (GIS) with “Big Data” is all set to change the future of your business decision making.
The business analytics software solution developed by the IT and business management team of Urban Nerves shall provide a unique spatial and visual sense to your business intelligence by integrating the existing data and spreadsheets with interactive maps to provide an interesting visual outlook to your routine analysis. With a GIS web interface, you can combine aerial photos, competitor locations, plan residential subdivisions, customer surveys, and census data to visualize market penetration, market share, and trade areas. When markets change, GIS can help you better understand existing locations and identify new markets to penetrate.

Mapping and Geo Referencing

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